All Good Things...

 Our last few units from Interlock seemed to just go by so fast! To be honest, once we reached the end, I kinda wanted to just start over and go through it all again because it was such a wonderful curriculum and we had so much fun with it. And, to be honest, I was sad that we were done using our "kindergarten" curriculum.

I didn't take lots of pictures from everything we did towards the end. Sometimes I get like that, which is probably surprising for anyone who knows me personally, because I'm the "wait lemme get a picture of that!" kinda mom. But, sometimes I do just like to sit back and enjoy the moment without the distraction of a camera [added to the distraction of a toddler and a baby].

These pictures are from when week 33, when we were learning from Genesis 2:5-20. I found that the Peter Spier book People was a wonderful accompaniment to this lesson. Monkey thoroughly enjoyed looking at the different ways people lived, worked, played, etc. I also used our tablet to show him places on Google Earth and "flew" around the world discussing why people in different areas live the way they live.

For fun, I gave Monkey some lincoln logs to build his own houses and we discussed how houses are different.

I gave the boys play dough and told them to make what they thought garden of Eden looked like. They spent a good while working together to make Eden fit with rivers and tons of foliage. We talked about how God gave Adam a job to do and talked about jobs we have and how we should be happy to serve. At the end of the lesson, we talked about reasons why God made Eve for Adam.
For a craft project, I gave Monkey some glue, popsicle sticks, and colored toothpicks and told him to make our house.
We made our own garden of Eden with playdough and nature!

Adam naming the animals. I used this as an opportunity to practice beginning phonemes depending on which animal Adam was in front of.

We've been going around the world learning about different countries via art, Google earth, and children's books. This week we made crayon resist eggs to go along with Rechenka's Eggs.

Although I was really sad to finish Interlock, I was really excited to begin Volume 1. It has so many wonderful unit studies, we've been using it for the past couple of weeks and have been enjoying it so much! This curriculum has impressed me so much compared to the many, many I have looked at. It is so solid, covers material with detail and has projects and field trips to reinforce the lessons. I look forward to another wonderful year with Weaver!


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