Morning Bag

 This is one of my favorite times of the day. I happened upon Morning Baskets via Pinterest and fell in love with the idea. We already used these books at different points of the day, but I really liked the idea of starting off our school day with intentional time with God.

I didn't have a basket large enough for all of the thins we use, so I took one of our grocery bags to shove it all into!
Here are the contents of the bag, you can see we like to use a variety of bibles throughout the week.

The Jesus Storybook bible is our main one since we use it in his class at church, we have a physical copy and a kindle copy we use.

The Children's Illustrated Bible is something I'm borrowing from the church's collection, he loves looking at the maps and seeing real images of some of the things referred to in the bible.

The Young Learner's Bible Storybook has fun activities to do after you read the bible story.

The NIV Children's bible is one I had as a child, we use it in conjunction with Leading Little Ones to God (my favorite "resource").

For our devotionals, we use:

Jesus Wants All of Me, Secrets of the Vine, God's Mighty Warrior Devotional Bible, and the Jesus Loves Me Devotional.

The AMAZING thing is that, somehow, with all of these resources, they all go together. We're at different places in all of them and yet, they all have been echoing the same message! Very, very cool how God works like that!

If you are interested in seeing more of these books, I made a video describing how we use them and why I like them.


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