FIAR: How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World

Our Five in a Row book a couple weeks ago was How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World. We used this book to kick off our geography studies and had a lot of fun with all of the activities we were able to do. There were a lot of things I didn't take pictures of and quite a few more activities we didn't get to do this time around, but I intend on re-rowing the book later, so we'll just do it next time!

Monkey loved putting the state puzzle (Goodwill $1.91) together, he was faster at this than I am on my own!

How I illustrated where we live: we got out our inflatable globe and talked about the Earth then located our continent. We used our atlas to look at further information about our continent and then took out our USA puzzle and I placed our state on the puzzle.

I made cinnamon apples and cheddar cheese crescent rolls for a snack one day.

Apple prints, the boys really enjoyed it, but I goofed and didn't dry the apples first so we didn't get any of the star prints from the seed pods.

On another day, I baked mini apple pies for the boys.

Monkey only ate the apples out.

Froggy ate some of the crust and some of the apples.

Some other activities we used were activities from various apple themed printable packs. I have them on my FIAR pin board.  

Go along books we used:

Things we are doing next row:

  • Bake a large apple pie
  • Apple taste testing (we couldn't get enough of a variety of apples to do it this time)
  • Parts of an apple felt board, we discussed the parts of the apple, but next time I want to make a felt board activity.
  • Torn paper apple craft
  • Proper apple printing
  • Seasons of an apple tree craft



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