It's Monday again

It figures that since I'm not documenting hour by hour that the kids are actually getting along. Sheesh.

Here are the highlights of our school day yesterday.

Picnic lunch in the backyard

After lunch, we looked at our vegetable garden and observed how the plants are growing.

Then we started our school day with calendar time and our daily board. I changed out a few things from our daily board yesterday, the verse of the week and song of the week, plus I added his new sight word easy reader to the pocket chart pocket. Today I am seeing whether or not he knows last week's material, we play some review games and do a handwriting worksheet (his choice) and I can see whether or not we can move on to the next letter or if we need to stay on this lesson or move on. to my surprise, we don't need to remain working on anything from the Ll lesson this week, he knows it all.

Using the word whammer with bob books
Han occupying himself by studying my stand mixer.
Handwriting practice

L practice

I gave Froggy the marker container to play in to occupy him.

Monkey loves to practice writing

Visual discrimination, tracing the other half of a bear's face.

Monkey was telling me that the bear only had half a face and that he had to trace the other half.

Our review game.
  I placed flash cards in our education cube and told Monkey to throw it or kick it. When the cube stopped rolling, he had to tell me what it was (the L words had pictures), jump to the word, then run and get the water bottle to wash the word away.

Sound discrimination. Monkey didn't enjoy this, so we stopped.

Matching kitchen tools to outlines. Was too easy for him, but he enjoyed it.

We also did a lot of reading. I can't recall all of the books, but two of them were Where oh where is Huggle Buggle Bear and Billy's Bucket.


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