Summer library program
We had so much fun this year at the library! I didn't take pictures of everything, and there are a few things we missed out on, but we were able to do so much more this year versus last year! The theme this year was Fizz,Boom, Pop and was all about science and magic. There was also a folk singer, which the kids loved because it was a smaller group, and an African drum session, which Monkey didn't care for because it was a large group and large group of drums is apparently too loud for my auditory sensitive child.
We also did story time once a week during the summer, and for some reason, I can't find all of the pictures I took to show you how much fun it is! Every story time is theme based, and she does such an amazing job at incorporating everything into the theme. There are three story readings, songs with motions, rhythm songs with shakers, a craft, snack, and busy boxes at the end. It's great, because even though Monkey is on the older end for story time, he's able to enjoy the music, craft, and of course, the snack (I swear my kids act as if they don't eat all day long!).
I can't wait for next summer, I love having programs to go to twice a week! Right now, they've gone back to the normal twice a month craft program and once per week story time. Hopefully, if all goes well, we'll go back tomorrow morning and hopefully, I'll remember to take tons of pictures this time!
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