Home again Home again Jiggity jig
It's hard to believe we've been home for 12 days already. I've been so busy with getting the house ready for the baby, the constant cleaning, organizing, and chasing after two spirited sprouts that the days have been flying by and just getting away from me.
I smartly did all of the unpacking in one day and decided I HAD to get the baby clothes out of storage and move Froggy's clothing in the closet with Monkey's and put baby clothes in the changing table closet. All in the same day. I was laid out for two days because of my over ambition and preggy body not being able to deal with the strain I put on it.
Every day since then has been a blur of housework and kids with the occasional hubbie time on those few nights where both kids went to sleep early and nobody woke up during the night. I've been exhausted, nauseous, and experiencing the wonderful pains that come this close to the baby coming. I know life is about to make a big slow down with three kids under 5 in the house, but I'm looking forward to it. By far, being a mommy is my favorite job, even if it doesn't pay in money.
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