Unschooling day

Today was an unschooling day. We have them every so often and they are always pleasant. Today's unschooling day was due to Froggy not waking up until 4PM. Monkey had already been in the classroom doing a few work boxes and by the time I came in, we just played a bunch of games together.
 See our schedule? We totally only did three things today.

The robot magnets were foam stickers from the dollar tree that I stuck onto advertisement magnets and cut them out. A new sticker sheet was what Monkey chose for one of his behavior prizes, and I decided to up it a bit and give him magnets. The puffy stickers were from Gwama , the red crayon doodle is the knight's castle.

 Froggy enjoying his new sensory bin. He was careful for so long before he just had to dump them all out on the floor. He then  had a lovely lesson in cleaning up and not being able to play anymore until tomorrow.

 We played our own version of Blokus over and over again.

 Love unschooling days! So laid back and relaxing!


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