New daily board activities

Monkey loves our daily board time. Right after we have prayer and devotional, we start our daily boards which is kind of like circle time, only it's just us so I don't call it that. I've recently added some things that he's been enjoying to the back of our corkboards so now have double sided daily boards. We haven't been using our daily notebook since I've just put everything up on boards now.

The back of our calendar board now has a pocket chart for manners, months of the year, music notes, and kindermusik activities.

I love these manners cards from Early Learning at Home.

Monkey loves singing the months of the year song. I printed our these vehicle month cards to go along with the song. I'm thinking about printing out some days of the week cards too.

Listening puzzle from Monkey's kindermusik class. Each time you hear the sound, you add that puzzle piece.

This is the listening puzzle I made for him for sounds that start our day, I recorded all of the sounds too.

Learning about notes.

On the back of our daily board we now have review items.

Some of these are front and back. Shown here are our American sign language alphabet, right and left poem, and skip counting chart (used only for reference, we play games to practice skip counting).

Our 100 chart, we do this once per week and play games for other counting to 100 activities.

Ordinal numbers

Find my letter game from Happy Phonics. I write in the letter for him to find and as he circles it, he has to say the phonetic sound.

Capital match on the other side, also from Happy Phonics.

This area is for our current phonics review game, on this day I had the muffin match game from Happy Phonics. To play this game, I have him match the uppercase muffin tops to the lowercase muffin bottoms, once he matches them, he says the phonetic sound and "eats" the muffin.

I set up the other side of the daily board a bit different to make it more organized. The green envelope has out ten commandments train pieces. Below that are our sight word cards that we use to play games with. The bottom envelope holds our current sight word reader. I leave up two AWANAS verses at a time each week for review. We play games and put them in the cards in the correct order, then sing or clap our the verses.

That's it for now! I do miss our daily notebook time, but we currently just aren't able to focus on it like we used to be able to. I'm going to try to pick it up again next year when Froggy will have more of his own "work" to do to keep him occupied.


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