It's coming!

I'm so excited, I can barely contain myself!

And yet, at the same time, I'm wondering how I'm going to manage when I'm still feeling so bad.

But I'm not going to let myself think about that! I'm going to instead get excited about more of this

And a whole lot more of this

And this

 Hopefully not too much of this

the toothpaste incident
Yes! Next week, we are starting back after having to take off the entire month of July and first couple weeks of August due to me being too sick to handle teaching. 

This is my first time using planning sheets, I only printed out enough for one week, to see how well these planning sheets work for me since I normally don't plan things out like this. But with the way my brain has been lately, a lovely soup of non responsive and out on vacation, I thought it would do well for us for me to actually write things down ahead of time.

It's probably a bit hard to tell from the photos, but the top two photos are for Before Five in a Row, we are doing a very light week to ease back into school (more for me than the kids), so the activities are very basic. We do BFIAR four days out of the week.

It might look like a lot on paper, but most activities only take 10-20 minutes. Our school day is about four hours, including playing educational games and reading. The week I planned out for us next week is very minimalistic and flexible, so if I have a really bad day on Monday, we can slack off and shift activities to another day during the week (the beauty of a three day school week).

The last two photos are from my planning sheet for the rest of our curricula. I'm not a fan of this planning sheet because it doesn't have an individual place for each thing, so I had to improvise. I actually made my own planning sheet and will be using it next week. Weaver is a three day curriculum, so I schedule everything else for three days as well. Day four is reserved for hands on outdoor activities (weather permitting) and baking. Day five is the start of our three day weekend (hubbie works for a college that has three day weekends), so we normally do housework, go grocery shopping if we need to, and when the weather is nice, go to the park or nature trail, or go for a family bike ride. When it isn't scorching hot, we spend at least two hours a day outside, but lately the heat just makes my nausea flare up, so we hardly ever go outside which has really bummed me out.

I still have a few things to prepare for next week, mainly craft activities, Raising Rock Stars, and our calendar board. The classroom is almost usable again, which is going to really be exciting for Monkey. We have been preparing for a consignment sale coming up in September, and have had to store things in the classroom because it's the only room in our house beside our bedroom. It got to the point a couple weeks ago where we couldn't walk in there (yeah we are consigning that much stuff).

I'm not telling Monkey that we're starting back next week, I'm going to let it be a surprise. It'll be great to see the look on his face as we walk into the classroom again!


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