
What a strange school day! We started the day by playing outside since it was going to rain later on.

Seeing what was heavier
 We made mini calzones for lunch, and did Calendar time and our daily board while they were baking, then had lunch, after which both boys took a two and a half hour nap! When they woke up, we went through our daily notebook, had classroom time, did our counting stick work box, alphabet bag, magnet pages, bible time, and were starting to read when Froggy got out of hand and we stopped.
Daily drawing

Monkey told me Froggy farted and imitated the sound. Boys.

Monkey's tree train

circling sight words

finger painting "sauce" on our "pizzas"

Monkey informed me he needed to wash his hands

Adding toppings

"baking" the "pizza"

Magnet pages


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