Home again home again, jiggity jig

There's been a bit of a gap from my last post to this one. We had Monkey's birthday party, then went to Missouri to visit family, and just returned home. I will have some picture posts coming along as soon as I get the pictures uploaded.

During the trip, I was able to review the wonderful curriculum I've already purchased and have figured out what we will be using for our math and phonics curriculum.

For phonics, we'll be adding Reading lessons. I love this site, I watch the video on how to teach the lesson the night before, then weave the lessons throughout the day. Monkey has been picking up a lot and it's a free resource!

For math, I'm working on getting a used copy of Rightstart math level A. It's a kinesthetic math program that's based around Montessori and how they teach math in Japan. I read some lesson samples and reviews, and it seems like it will be a perfect fit for Monkey, whose brain already works the way the program is designed.

We had school time while we were traveling, I printed out a really neat portable calendar with movable parts that we used for calendar time, we did our daily notebook and read books. more importantly, we played and had a great time visiting family.

I also purchased and was given lots of children's books, so our classroom is currently undergoing a bookcase remodel, I will have a post on that once I've finished. I plan on having books categorized by subject and character (Clifford, for instance, will have his own basket since we have many many Clifford books!).

I'm going to start having a weekly post instead of daily posts, and just have my favorite moments and give you a glimpse inside of what we are doing with our curricula and extra curricular activities.

Whew, looking over this short post, I have a lot to post this upcoming month! I'm looking forward to starting our kindergarten year, it's going to be a blast!


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