Here is Monkey's daily notebook. Cover from here. |
Pre cut drawing paper |
The first page is his daily message. We read it together, he circles words and numbers that he recognizes, and then does the activity on the bottom. Today he is supposed to draw me a picture on the back. |
Daily color review. He's known his colors for a long time, but he is the kind of kid that gives you the wrong answer on purpose because he thinks it's funny. I started having things like this for him and it has him used to telling me the right answers when I ask him. |
Shape reviews. This is in here for the same reason as the color review sheet. |
Sight words, this page is for playdough, yarn, wikki sticks, etc. |
Sight words, this page is for playdough, yarn, wikki sticks, etc. |
This is from A beka math, I picked up the resource book from Goodwill for $1.91. |
Cut and paste activity, I put his hands on activities with little pieces in these sheet protectors to keep all of the pieces together. |
This is an activity is sorting letter, I am going to cut these into strips and have him cut them out first and then sort them by letter on another day. There are Ll and Tt sheets. |
T t tomato slice cut and paste activity. I made the tomato slice cutting strips. |
Graphing with T, he will cut them out, paste them in the correct columns, then count how many of each. We will discuss which columns have more or less or the same. I made this graph. |
Color by letter sheet. I use this as a listening activity, I place all of the colors he needs out, but he has to listen to my instructions for what to do. |
In the back pocket are two sets of Montessori nonmenclature cards. I chose vegetables and fruits. |
The way we use this is take out all of the cards that have both the picture and the name (the control cards) and line them up face up, then we place the word cards and picture cards in columns beside it. Monkey must match both the picture and word to the control card. |
That's it for the notebook! I leave the alphabet craft for our alphabet board as a surprise, so it is put up until the day I tell him how to make it.
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