
Letting Go

Ever feel like you’ve just kind of, you know, “been there, done that, got the shirt”? Some days, I really feel like this has been our motto for our homeschooling experience- and we’ve only be doing this for a short 6-ish years! You see, that’s what happens when you are wracked by self-doubt, Pinterest plan, and read WAY too many blogs and books of homeschooling before you even pop out kiddo #1.  I have run our homeschool like a public school, over scheduled and over filled our days, relaxed and over relaxed, checked off lists, counted hours, and saved too much only to realize not only was it not necessary, but also not working. My problem? I wasn’t letting my curriculum work for me, I was working for it. I was failing to trust that I was doing a good enough job and tried to do too much. Yes, I was one of those moms. Yes, I spent way too much time planning “the perfect” school day. Pinterest used to threaten to give me thumb osteoarthritis with all of the scrolling...

Summer library program

We had so much fun this year at the library! I didn't take pictures of everything, and there are a few things we missed out on, but we were able to do so much more this year versus last year! The theme this year was Fizz,Boom, Pop and was all about science and magic. There was also a folk singer, which the kids loved because it was a smaller group, and an African drum session, which Monkey didn't care for because it was a large group and large group of drums is apparently too loud for my auditory sensitive child. We also did story time once a week during the summer, and for some reason, I can't find all of the pictures I took to show you how much fun it is! Every story time is theme based, and she does such an amazing job at incorporating everything into the theme. There are three story readings, songs with motions, rhythm songs with shakers, a craft, snack, and busy boxes at the end. It's great, because even though Monkey is on the ...


For the 4th of July this year, we spent a couple days in Malabar Florida visiting my grandparents. It was great, there was a high-ish chance of rain every day but it only rained a little one day we were there, so we got to enjoy the beach and pool every day. Totally made up for the 7.5 hour trip taking over 9 hours both ways [kids!] Like those goggles? The boys both HAD to have floaties and goggles and Froggy was the only one to wear them. And not long at that. The inflatable baby boat turned into the perfect pool for Little Bear to play in everyday at the beach. Kid loved pouring sand into his pool. Surprisingly, Monkey's life vest fit better than Froggy's Captain America float shirt. He looks adorable though, very overly muscular. Monkey went boogie boarding a couple times in the wake, Froggy went on the waves and totally dug it. Me and Hubbie spent most of our time boogie boarding, it was a blast! Little Bear fell asleep in my arms as I wa...

Mother's Day photo shoot

Hubbie took the cowboys in the backyard to take photos for me for Mother's Day. Love these little boogers! They each have such a sweet personality, it's a joy staying at home with them and getting to know them more and more each day.

DIY Felt Board

 I finally made our fancy shmancy felt board! My original idea was to make one out of a HUGE picture frame, but I started wanting something that wouldn't take up wall space and that I could tuck away when not in use. So, I took the felt I had purchased by the yard from Hobby Lobby at 40% off for a half yard each, and stapled it to a Dollar Tree tri-fold project board. Like I said, fancy shmancy!  Our first felt set Monkey painted to go along with Eric Carle's Mixed Up Chameleon. It's cardstock that I laminated with permanent adhesive paper and hot glued sand paper on the back to make it stick. Our second set I made for Froggy's preschool when we were learning about Moses. I printed it onto cardstock, laminated with adhesive paper, and hot glued sand paper to the back. I haven't made any more sets because I ran out of color ink. Always out of printer ink around here! I would really love to make some more that Monkey and Froggy can paint themselves, I ...

Oh Little Bear


March Madness!
