
For the 4th of July this year, we spent a couple days in Malabar Florida visiting my grandparents. It was great, there was a high-ish chance of rain every day but it only rained a little one day we were there, so we got to enjoy the beach and pool every day. Totally made up for the 7.5 hour trip taking over 9 hours both ways [kids!] Like those goggles? The boys both HAD to have floaties and goggles and Froggy was the only one to wear them. And not long at that. The inflatable baby boat turned into the perfect pool for Little Bear to play in everyday at the beach. Kid loved pouring sand into his pool. Surprisingly, Monkey's life vest fit better than Froggy's Captain America float shirt. He looks adorable though, very overly muscular. Monkey went boogie boarding a couple times in the wake, Froggy went on the waves and totally dug it. Me and Hubbie spent most of our time boogie boarding, it was a blast! Little Bear fell asleep in my arms as I wa...