Ninja rap!

Somehow, I turned these four shirts into some quick Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costumes for Halloween this year! We went to three houses (kids still don't really care for trick or treating) and spent most of our time at our church's s'mores roast at our friend's house around the corner. Instead of our usual dinner at the pizzeria, we went to the coffeeshop since the pizza place was packed due to a haunted house next door. Hubbie and I are going to be making costumes again for Froggy and Monkey's birthdays next year since they're both going to have TMNT birthdays and we're all going to dress up! I'm planning on making actual costumes instead of haphazardly sewn pajama style costumes. Still going to use our roaster pan shields, I LOVED those (thank you Pinterest!). Can't wait to see what we come up with next year!