Why do we homeschool?

Believe it or not, my hubbie and I had discussed homeschooling before we ever had children. We had become increasingly upset with how school systems were run when we were in school and how it's just become worse since then, that we felt it wasn't really an option for us but something we had to do. Not that I'm saying it's the teacher's faults, because there are some amazing teachers out there, in fact, most of the complaints I have heard have come from teachers and how they are being forced to teach in a way that isn't beneficial to their students. I've always enjoyed teaching so homeschooling has been something that just comes naturally and is something I really enjoy. Instead of teaching to tes t, we teach to educate and have the chance to instill a love of learning. Our children get custom fit educations, one on one student-teacher interaction, and many skills no longer taught in school. We don't have to test test test, with the exception of...