
Showing posts from March, 2012

Notice anything different?

Yet again, I have restarted this blog. How many different incarnations has this blog had? At first it was a collection of poetry and my daily thoughts, then it became a promo blog for my now deceased etsy store, it then morphed into a random speculation and youtube blog, and now it has become a diy/review/cooking blog. I'm not trying to come across as a fickle person, it is just that my blog needs have changed over the years. This time around, I hope to make it stick, after all it is a collection of things I have always been interested in. We shall see. So, to start things off, how about an introduction to my youtube channel that I will be using as supplemental material? Pickled Pandas , my DIY/review/cooking/baking channel. Quite a difference to my highly disorganized personal/haul channel . As you can see [unless you haven't clicked the links], I used to be very active on youtube. I have since stopped posting to my personal channel and instead post videos straight to facebook...

Upcoming Time4Learning review

I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as a homeschool curriculum , for afterschool enrichment and for summer skill sharpening . Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning.